FreeMat supports roughly 95% (a made up statistic) of the features in MATLAB. Is FreeMat 100% compatible with MATLAB? What about IDL? As for the open source alternatives, try them out and decide for yourself. Yes! FreeMat is chartered to go beyond MATLAB to include features such as a codeless interface to external C/C++/FORTRAN code, parallel/distributed algorithm development (via MPI), and advanced volume and 3D visualization capabilities. Why another MATLAB clone? Have you heard of Octave, Scilab, etc.? There are a number of great tools that are available to GPL-ed code (e.g., Qt, FFTW, FFCALL), and FreeMat is now one of them.ģ. The current version is released under GPL. Previous versions of FreeMat were released under MIT licenses. It is free as in speech and free as in beer. It is similar to commercial systems such as MATLAB from Mathworks and IDL from Research Systems, but is Open Source.

FreeMat 100% compatible with MATLAB? What about IDL?.Why another MATLAB clone? Have you heard of Octave, Scilab, etc.?.